Sunday, March 29, 2009

Assistive Technologies for Reading


In the article “Assistive Technologies for Reading” Hasselbring and Bausch talk about how new computer technology can enhance learning for students with special needs. These students are having trouble with school work because they can not read up to grade level. The article points out that all of us have read someone and understood all the words, but don’t understand the meaning of the text. For students who are facing this in all of their subjects learning can be very hard. New software helps these students to understand text and bring up their reading skills to grade level. The software has many features including videos that give the students background information before a reading lesson. Schools that have started to use this technology are very pleased with the results.

Reference Points

“As many as 8 of 10 students with learning disabilities have reading problems so significant that they cannot read and understand grade-level material.”

“Test-reading software creates a more level academic playing field for students who do not decode or comprehend well enough to read grade-level test independently.”

“But simply improving access and delivery will not necessarily improve instruction.”

“Although assistive technologies make it possible for students with disabilities to profit from good instruction, technology is not magic; it is simply a tool of education.”


With technology come great tools to help students in the classroom. What an amazing thing for students to be able to access. I believe any technology that can help students learn better should be used. However, there is also a fear that comes with that. Technology is no substitute for human instruction and interaction. See first hand all the cut backs that are taking place in the Sitka School District I can easily see people being replace with technology. After all if a student improves so much from a computer why have reading specialists at a school? Think of all the new computers you could buy with a teacher’s salary. I have also seen first hand the incredible difference having a reading specialist at a school can make. Having the technology is wonderful and should be used, but it should be used to enhance learning, not to teach.

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